Concept of GEMS

Image creation at each scan mirror location → 2.56-second scan per image / 697 images per 30 minutes → (ESC) Data receiving / processing / Deployment → Transmission of Observational Image to Ground station → Spatial & geographical data Generation

Specifications of GEMS

Category information
Monitoring items Ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), formaldehyde (HCHO), aerosols, etc.
Mission duration 10 years
Field of Regard (FOR) 5,000km x 5,000km (5°S - 45°N, 75°E - 145°E, covering 27 countries in East Asia)
Spatial resolution Gaseous : 7km x 8km / Aerosol : 3.5km x 8km
Observation cycle 8 times during daytime
Spectrum / Spectral resolution Ultraviolet/visible (UV-VIS, 300 - 500nm) / 0.6nm
Volume / Weight 1,050mm x 1,200mm x 900mm / 160kg
Power 200W
Orbit / altitude / longitude Geostationary orbit / 36,000km / 128°E